A Panel
must be used as a direct child of the Accordion
its aim is to group content and a heading together.
The heading is used to toggle the visibility of the content via a named slot heading
- React
- Angular
- Vue.js
// with @dhl-official/react-library:
import { dhlPanel } from "@dhl-official/react-library"
// with @dhl-official/ui-libraries/react-library:
import { dhlPanel } from "@dhl-official/ui-libraries/react-library"
If the DUIL has been installed, you can use the web component directly:
// with @dhl-official/vue-library:
import { dhlPanel } from "@dhl-official/vue-library"
// with @dhl-official/ui-libraries/vue-library:
import { dhlPanel } from "@dhl-official/ui-libraries/vue-library"
- React
- Angular
- Vue.js
<span slot="heading">First heading</span>
<DhlText>This is the content related to the first headline</DhlText>
<span slot="heading">First heading</span>
<dhl-text>This is the content related to the first headline</dhl-text>
<span slot="heading">First heading</span>
<dhl-text>This is the content related to the first headline</dhl-text>
Interactive Demo
### ReadmeProperties
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
buttonAlign | button-align | An optional prop that sets alignment of the button should the buttonOnly prop be set to true. | "center" \| "end" \| "start" | DHL_PANEL.BUTTON_ALIGN.START |
buttonOnly | button-only | An optional prop used to set the variant of the accordion panel to a dhl-button component. | boolean | undefined |
buttonVariant | button-variant | An optional prop used to set the variant of button used when the buttonOnly prop is set to true. | "primary" \| "text" | DHL_PANEL.BUTTON_VARIANT.PRIMARY |
dataClassName | data-class-name | An optional class name prop for the component. | string | undefined |
dataId | data-id | An optional prop. Gives a valid HTML ID attribute value for the component. | string | dhl-panel-${getRandomString()} |
dataTestid | data-testid | An optional prop. The test id attached to the component as a data-testid attribute. | string | undefined |
expanded | expanded | An optional prop that toggles if the panel is expanded | boolean | false |
headingId | heading-id | An optional prop used to set the id of taggable Accordion heading - used to enable accessibility features | string | ${this.dataId}-heading-id |
headingTag | heading-tag | An optional prop. Defines which headline tag to use. (h1-h6). | "h1" \| "h2" \| "h3" \| "h4" \| "h5" \| "h6" \| "p" | DHL_PANEL.HEADING_TAG.H1 |
isDisabled | is-disabled | An optional flag to define if the component is disabled. | boolean | false |
panelId | panel-id | An optional prop used to set the id of taggable Accordion panel - used to enable accessibility features | string | ${this.dataId}-panel-id |
Event | Description | Type |
dhlExpand | The event emitted to dhl-accordion which includes information about the expanded status | CustomEvent<{ expanded: boolean; }> |
Slot | Description |
"heading" | used to supply the component headline text |
"unnamed" | unnamed children slot for component content |
Depends on
Built by DHL User Interface Library Team!