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A configurable ThemeSwitch component that allows users to toggle between light and dark themes. This component can be customized by selecting different design variants and default themes.


// with @dhl-official/react-library:
import { DhlThemeSwitch } from "@dhl-official/react-library"
// with @dhl-official/ui-libraries/react-library:
import { DhlThemeSwitch } from "@dhl-official/ui-libraries/react-library"


<DhlThemeSwitch theme="dark" />

Interactive Demo


The DhlThemeSwitch component is designed to toggle between light and dark themes. The user's preferred theme is stored in localStorage and applied on subsequent visits.

How It Works

  • The component checks the user's preferred theme from localStorage. If none is found, it defaults to the light theme or the value provided via the theme prop.
  • The toggleTheme method switches between light and dark themes and updates both the data-dui-theme attribute on the <html> element and the value in localStorage.
  • Possible value of data-dui-theme is theme-light or theme-dark.



dataAriaLabeldata-aria-labelAn optional prop defining the text read by the screen reader to represent the component; use this if you need different text to be read from label.string"Button for switching themes"
dataTestiddata-testidAn optional prop. The test id attached to the component as a data-testid attribute.stringundefined
iconOrientationicon-orientationAn optional prop used to align an icon (if present) on either the left or right side of the component."left" \| "right"DHL_BUTTON.ICON_ORIENTATION.RIGHT
iconSizeicon-sizeAn optional prop used to control the size of icons in the button"lg" \| "md" \| "sm" \| "xl"DHL_BUTTON.ICON_SIZE.LG
sizesizeAn optional size prop for the component."md" \| "sm" \| "xs"DHL_BUTTON.SIZE.MD
themethemeAn optional prop to select the default theme of components."dark" \| "light" \| "system""light"
variantvariantAn optional prop to select a component design variant."outline" \| "primary" \| "text"DHL_BUTTON.VARIANT.PRIMARY


"unnamed"unnamed children slot for Theme Switch text


Depends on


Built by DHL User Interface Library Team!