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The IconWrapper component is used to easily define the behaviour of children Icon(s) through a set of exposed props.


// with @dhl-official/react-library:
import { DhlIconWrapper } from "@dhl-official/react-library"
// with @dhl-official/ui-libraries/react-library:
import { DhlIconWrapper } from "@dhl-official/ui-libraries/react-library"


import CalendarFridayEnglish from "@dhl-official/icons/calendar-friday-english.svg";

<DhlIconWrapper >
<DhlIcon src={CalendarFridayEnglish}></DhlIcon>

Interactive Demo

Migrating from DUIL 1.0

  • Rename animate to animation
  • Rename speed to duration
  • Update values of prop speed from SLOWER to "5x", SLOW to "4x", STANDARD to 3x", FAST to "2x"
  • Add dataClassName



animationanimationAn optional prop used to set the animation style of the icon-wrapper"appearFromSide" \| "appearFromTop" \| "disappearFromBottom" \| "spin"undefined
blockblockAn optional prop used to indicate whether the element should behave as a block elementbooleanundefined
colorcolorAn optional prop, used to set the color of the component.stringundefined
dataAriaHiddendata-aria-hiddenAn optional prop used to indicate whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API.string"true"
dataClassNamedata-class-nameAn optional class name prop for the component.stringundefined
dataTestiddata-testidAn optional prop. The test id attached to the component as a data-testid attribute.stringundefined
durationdurationAn optional prop used to set the animation speed of the icon-wrapper"0x" \| "1x" \| "2x" \| "3x" \| "4x" \| "5x"DHL_ICON_WRAPPER.DURATION["3x"]
rotaterotateAn optional prop used to set the icon-wrapper rotationstringundefined
sizesizeAn optional size prop for the component."lg" \| "md" \| "sm" \| "xl"DHL_ICON_WRAPPER.SIZE.SM
variantvariantAn optional prop to select a component design variant."error" \| "inverted" \| "primary" \| "secondary" \| "success" \| "warn"undefined


"unnamed"unnamed children slot intended for DhlIcon


Used by


Built by DHL User Interface Library Team!