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A List component is used to render list items. Both the check and bullet variant render within <ul> tags whilst the number variant uses a <ol> tag.


// with @dhl-official/react-library:
import { DhlList, DhlListItem } from "@dhl-official/react-library"
// with @dhl-official/ui-libraries/react-library:
import { DhlList, DhlListItem } from "@dhl-official/ui-libraries/react-library"


The List component accepts list items in two ways:

Using <dhl-list-item> / <DhlListItem>

The List component can be used in conjunction with ListItem to populate a List:

First list item
Second list item
Third list item

By passing an array to list-items / listItems

You can also pass an array of strings or objects (see shape below) to populate the List

{id: string, content: string}
<DhlList listItems={[{id: "1", content: "First list item"},
{id: "2", content: "Second list item"},{id: "3", content: "Third list item"} ]}/>

Interactive Demo



dataClassNamedata-class-nameAn optional class name prop for the component.stringundefined
dataIddata-idAn optional prop. Gives a valid HTML ID attribute value for the component.stringdhl-button-${getRandomString()}
dataTestiddata-testidAn optional prop. The test id attached to the component as a data-testid attribute.stringundefined
listItems--An optional prop used to render a list from an array of strings or objects. The element specified with this prop are rendered after the elements added to the list via the slot.[string \| { id: string; content: string; }]undefined
listStartlist-startAn optional prop used to set the start number for a list of variant "ListVariants.number"number0
reversedreversedAn optional prop used to render a list of variant "ListVariants.number" in reverse order.booleanfalse
variantvariantAn optional prop to select a component design variant."bullet" \| "check" \| "number"DHL_LIST.VARIANT.BULLET


"unnamed"unnamed children slot intended for DhlListItem component(s)


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Built by DHL User Interface Library Team!